CRAFT First Chapters Contest 2024 - honorable mention
CRAFT 2024 First Chapters Contest
Isn’t the start of something new incredibly, deliciously exciting? Here at CRAFT, we want to share in that excitement by reading the first chapter(s) of your novel in progress. We long to immerse ourselves in novels over the summer, and what could be more thrilling than sampling the newest work out there? For the 2024 First Chapters Contest, we’re eager to read your first 5,000 words. Guest Judge Kimberly King Parsons is equally keen:
I love it when the beginning of a novel (especially the very first line) contains the stylistic signature and the tonal genetics for the whole book. I’m always looking for attention and care at the sentence level, beautiful acoustics, and a voice that begs me to follow it. Not every novel has to do everything at once, but I value humor, the subversive, complicated characters (especially “unlikeable” or “unreliable” narrators), and plots that aren’t afraid to swerve into the very weird or very dark. Most of all, I’m hoping for opening pages that feel as if only you—with your distinct authority, unique perspective, and precise choices—could have written them.